Hi, I’m Tracy.
…into vibrant, smooth, tight, toned, and glowing skin that seems to grow younger in time.
…about reversing wrinkles, naturally lifting and tightening the neck, jawline and eyelids…
In fact, even though this might sound impossible now, after you watch this video and do what it says like thousands of ecstatic women before you…
…will be SHOCKED at the staggering transformation your skinis about to go through.
The big lie is the idea that natural, effortlessly beautiful looks… the kind we secretly envy…
…like Demi Moore who in her 50’s and still looks like she’s barely past 30, or Miranda Kerr…
And that hiding our face under a layer of foundation, primers, concealers, and moisturizers is just something we have to be chained to for the rest of our lives.
I don’t know about you, but when I hit my teens, I had the unfortunate blessing of having an excessively oily condition.
Only after two rounds of Accutane, and a learning how to SKILLFULLY coverup my blemishes, did I manage to look like a “normal” person.
I’ve talked to dozens of women about this, and over and over again, and I see the same pattern.
As soon as she hits her teens, it’s like a switch goes off,hormones kick in, and start to wreak havoc on their skin…
An in their thirties and forties, they see the slow, gradual hand of time starting to show itself around their eyes, under their chin, on the sides on the mouth…
It’s a horrible place to be.
Okay!Now for the big question, you’ve probably asked yourself again and again —
Like my best friend Danielle, who’s the same age as me, whose face seems to DEFY gravity.
There’s no sagging, her chin line is taught, her eyelids aren’t drooping at all…
I remember the night. Once, when we were in our 20’s, we went out like we usually do, and the guy at the door, asked for her ID, looked at it, let her in, then took one look at me and didn’t say a thing.
It’s like the rest of us feel like we’re on an endless treadmill racing against time — and gravity — and getting nowhere.
After talking to dozens of women, I figured out one simple fact that once you accept it, will allow you to attain beauty that is the envy of every woman.
What’s the secret? Okay, this is going to sound too simple for you, it certainly sounded silly to me. That is, until I discovered how vast and incredibly profound it turned out to be.
The reason why some women,like the stunning celebrities I mentioned earlier, or like my my best friend Danielle…
…or special treatments reserved for the rich and famous. And it certainly doesn’t have to do with Botox, fillers or plastic surgery.
The reason why you feel you’ve been left out of the genetic lottery and NOT looking years younger, as you should be, isn’t because of what you’re putting on your skin…
…it’s because of what you are FEEDING your skin.
Saying it in another way:On average, a typical American will eat 4.7 pounds of food per day.
But we put only an ounce or two of skin care products on our body every day. Which do you think will have a bigger impact?
If you’re like 99.99% of women, you haven’t been taught how to eat in a way that bends time backwards…
I know this may sound overly simplistic, but it’s a fact —there’s actually a way to feed yourself younger every day…
And let’s not forget, our hair and nails are a part of our skin as well.
With every woman I helped, the story was the same. There were little things they could adjust with their food…
…that made a whole bunch of beauty products on their dresser, and in their medicine cabinet, OBSOLETE.
Plain and simple, the big secret to natural, all-day, radiant, smooth and clear skin, without a shelf-full of products…
You see, when when we are born, our body produces a LOT of collagen. And collagen, as I’m sure you already know, is what makes our skin taut and youthful.
And of course that includes the cells that make up every inch of your face.
And they are the exactly the same skin cells your body made when you were a child — you just make less of them as you grow older.
So by nourishing the growth of new cells, with MORE collagen, we can literally, regrow a younger version of ourselves.
There is NO ointment, cream, or treatment that can replace food.
Just like if a man wanted to build more lean muscle, he just couldn’t do it without food right?
When we age and start form lines, lose elasticity and firmness, it’s because the DERMIS is becoming thinner, loses moisture and and gets looser.
The dermis is ALSO where our hair follicles are.
So when this layer starts to erode or get unhealthy, it affects the hair as well.
And just like an orange, you can’t make the soft, moist and spongy white layer under the surface healthier by putting stuff on outer surface. |

It can ONLY become healthier, get it’s moisture, and remain tight and strong from the nutrients BENEATH it.
Once you pluck an orange from the branch, it stops getting food from the tree and it stays fresh for a while, by relying on what’s INSIDE the meat of the orange.
But over time, it starts to dry out .
Because nothing is being supplied to the INSIDE of the orange anymore.
It has been cut off from it’s life source. From it’s food.
The same thing happens to our skin.
When toxins, and poor nutrition block the DERMIS — or the underlying thick,
elastic part of our skin — from getting the food it needs, from our blood…
…it loses collagen and elastin, the two natural ingredients that make DERMIS
stay taut, moist and firm. |
And that also means that “Collagen Creams” are a complete scam.
They simply do not work. Because collagen can ONLY be created
from UNDER the dermis.
But as you are about to hear, no doctor, dermatologist and certainly
not the cosmetic industry, will tell you this.
Three reasons: |
First, it is too easy for you to do on your own. When you see how easy it is to feed yourself 20 years younger, and dissolve wrinkles with your next meal, you will NEVER go back.
THE SECOND REASON you wont hear this is because the beauty industry will lose A LOT of profit.
They depend on you eating foods that aggravate your skin cells, cause oiliness, or excessive dryness, or to create more acne — even into your late 30’s and 40’s!
THE THIRD REASON women haven’t been told these facts, and what’s probably hardest to believe…
…is because doctors are simply NOT taught this.
Doctors, in their entire medical training will, at MOST, get ONLY a few HOURS of training on nutrition.
Here’s what I was told when I started to question whether diet affected our skin:
"Scientists have been unable to find a substantial connection between diet and acne."
I remember reading that. But then I saw who published it
— it was the company that manufactures and sells Proactiv!
And what about this: |
"The truth is that no food is really bad for your skin."
Guess who said that? The company that makes and markets Noxema products! |
If this is upsetting you, I don’t blame you.
And if you’ve talked to your doctor and they told you the same thing,
ponder this:
It wasn’t long ago that doctors all across America literally PRESCRIBED “time in the sun” to treat ailments ranging from acne to eczema!
Now, that we know the dangers of UV radiation seriously increasing the risk of skin cancer, not to mention destroying collagen and boosting the aging process… |
…doctors are NOW telling us to stay away from the sun, or to wear sunscreen. |
You see, the medical world doesn’t always have it right. Often times, they just need time to catch up.
So if you’re grappling with what I’m sharing with you…
…if you’re finding it's hard to believe that it can be so easy, so powerful, so life-changing, I completely understand.
Even though you agonized over skin problems for years, and faithfully do everything you are told…
…and the fact that no one else has told you this — especially the people you trusted — can make you feel betrayed
like I did.
But you know what?
Now, The Good News Is You Can Learn
How Reverse Any Skin Condition, In Just
A Few Steps, With Foods That Are Probably
In Your Fridge Right Now.
Wanna know something even more incredible? Out of all the foods that can transform your appearance…
…ONE type of food has more impact on reversing age than any other.
But not only that, this ONE food type exposes the myth of collagen supplements, and are a fast way to waste your hard earned money.
Let me tell you the story. I was in my mid 30’s and I was obsessively looking for any way to stem the obvious wrinkles that were becoming more and more noticeable through my makeup.
On top of that, my acne has started up again.
But that’s when I met my best friend, Danielle’s grandmother. If you remember, Danielle was one of those freaks of nature with picture-ready, model skin and hair.
Her grandmother had come to visit from Peru. And Danielle always told me what an inspiration she was.
When I was introduced to her, I honestly thought it was a joke.
This woman MAY have passed for her mother. But certainly not her grandmother!
It wasn’t just that she looked no older than 40.
There was this spark she had. As she looked at me through bright, moist and deep set eyes, I could see she was sharp as a razor.
Her hair was jet black, lustrous and full-bodied. And her skin…
I had never seen skin like that before.
She had a deep ethereal glow that seemed almost unreal. And for a grandmother…
…I could not trace a hint of dryness.
Later that night, I asked Danielle, how old her grandmother was. And the answer shocked me.
She was 75!
I Had To Find Out Her Secret.
In the days that followed, I spent more time with her waiting for a good moment to ask how she was able to look so stunning.
But out of the blue, SHE handed me a glass with a ruby colored juice in it. “Drink it”, she said, “this will help your skin”
I took a sip and it was a tart, sweet, diluted juice and just as I started to drink it, she went on to say, “You are too young to look so old. You are the same age as my grand daughter. But you look much older.”I just about choked.
“This is Acerola juice. I drank it all my life. This is like a fountain of youth where I come from. Come back here every week. I’ll make it for you.”
And with that, she handed me two jugs of it.
So much for my conversation.
Over the next week my skin seemed different.
I wrote it off to my imagination, until a co-worker asked me what I used for my skin because she wanted some.
I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, and it WAS true. |
My skin really had cleared up. It looked supple, smooth, and…
…dare I say, it glowed.
I became a nutrition friend. I thought this Acerola was some kind of magic berry.
But it wasn’t magic at all.
What I found out, was that it was simply a fruit, but it had a tremendous amount of vitamin C.
Out of all the foods, it is has some of the highest amounts of vitamin C.
And Vitamin C is essential for collagen.
But taking a vitamin C tablet doesn’t do much because we only absorb about 5 - 10% of it.
And our typical American diet, doesn’t give nearly enough vitamin C to make any difference.
And there is only so much Vitamin C supplements you can take before you get stomach pain.
If you get 100 grams of raw orange, it has 71 milligrams of vitamin C.
But Acerola has 1,677 milligrams!
That’s over 2,300 % more vitamin C! |
I started to study all the different nutrients our skin needs to thrive and what foods contain the greatest amount of these miracle substances.
And More Important, I Found How
Foods Caused The Age-Accelerating
Problems We Have.
It’s like the produce section of your grocery section suddenly turned into your own exotic beauty and skin care pharmacy.
On each shelf, in each section, there is something, actually MANY things, for every beauty issue you might have right now.
After two weeks of experimenting with these “beauty foods”, I was able to do something I thought I’d never be able to do…
…I went to work with just blush and mascara.
No need for foundation. |
No need for concealers. |
No need for an hour-long morning routine. |
I think the last time I went out of the house without a thick layer of foundation, primer and concealer, was when I was in middle school.
But the fact of the matter was…
…that I just didn’t need it.
I have to say, though…
…I stood there in the bathroom looking at the clearest, smoothest, most radiant skin I’d ever had as an adult, I second guessed myself the entire time.
I thought to myself, “Was I seeing things right? I can’t be this good. It’s only been two weeks.”
It was just something too good to be true as far as I was concerned.
For the first time in decades, I was able to wake up, look in the mirror, and NOT need to do anything.
I love being able to tie my hair back, or up in a bun, to show off my neck and my entire face.
And yes, I even go out and get the mail without makeup anymore.
I Had Attained Makeup FREEDOM!
A few months after my meeting with Danielle’s grandmother, and a library full of books…
…I had made even more changes to my diet and lost 18 pounds, had deep, endless energy and have the best sleep I’ve ever had.
The more I studied, the more I came to one conclusion: The Standard American Diet, or SAD, really should be called the Standard Age-Accelerating Diet.
If you want to get premature wrinkles, crows feet, smile lines, frown lines, and a dull complexion years before you should…
…just eat what everyone else is eating.
Eventually, years later and researching all the hard to find ways food cure the skin…
…I ended up getting licensed as a nutritionist and aesthetician, and now have a thriving practice helping women with all sorts of skin issues.
Anti aging is only ONE of the things that can be accomplished with the food you eat.
Acne, or more severe skin problems, like eczema and rosacea, dry flaky skin, patchy skin and even sun damaged skin…
…can be cured with the properties in many foods we have all around us.
It turns out, mother nature is the best beautician we could ever hope for.
And I’m going to teach you her language.
The best part of all, is how my dermatologist reacted to my transformation.
It turns out even SHE had her own issues and wanted MY help!
That’s when I knew I had to teach this to as many women as possible.
But something else happened that made bringing natural beauty to women all around the world my mission in life. Here’s the story:
One day, I finished a treatment on a client and walked out to the waiting room to meet my next appointment, Linda.
I was a bit stunned to see a beautiful woman sitting there sobbing.
Concerned, I asked Stacy what was wrong and she told me, something that made me so incredibly sad.
She came to see me because a friend referred her. But what prompted it, was her walking in on her husband cheating on her with his assistant.
An assistant much younger than her.
Since she found the courage to leave him, thoughts swirled in her mind about how she was getting older, and that she had to find a way to look younger.
She was a successful, smart, executive and she knew it. But to start dating again for the first time in 20 years, she felt silly for getting so caught up in worrying about something so superficial as looking younger.
She was scorned, embarrassed and humiliated, and felt torn between wanting to look younger and loving herself the way she was.
She finally blurted out, “I feel guilty and ashamed for wanting to look younger.”
To this day, I am still surprised how often I hear this.
Cosmetics companies feed into our insecurities about getting older…
…and make us feel we’ll all turn into wrinkled old prunes without the latest (and often very expensive) miracle cream.
There is NOTHING wrong with wanting to look your best.
To love what you see in the mirror. But not because a cosmetic company or a bad relationship made you feel you need it.
And certainly not because good marketing makes you believe there is a new miracle “out there”.
No, the miracle is right on the shelves of your produce section. And you have every right to look and feel as beautiful as you want!
Like I said, my name is Tracy.
And with your permission, I’d like to share with you the power of “beauty foods”, and how to look 20 years younger without cosmetics, injections, or surgery.
When You Master This Simple Concept,
Other Women Will Ask What YOUR Secret Is
Because You Look So Good.
And they will be astonished when they discover you only have mascara and a hint of blush on right now.
And I also want to show you how and why your skin, hair and nails are already trying to grow younger, firmer and healthierand how to remove the hidden blockages that keep them trapped and out of sight.
I’d like to show you how to instantly remove any ideas you might have about skin care being an “outside in” process…
…and have you feel the power of knowing the truth that ageless beauty can only be achieved from the inside out.
I want to show you the simple,easy to preparefoods and meals that melt and dissolve dry, flaky, patchy areas…
…to allow firmer, more elastic, radiant skin layers to come to the surface.
The 5 foods that provide the essential building blocks to luscious, full-bodied, shimmering and silky hair.
Not to mention, a dietary adjustment that can reduce hair loss before or after menopause.
By introducing you to a simple, easy to use system called…
…“The Beauty Food Bible”.
It’s a companion you’ll have for life.
Like nature’s own anti aging expert that teaches you the foods that eliminate and smooth out wrinkles, smile lines crows feet…
Restore thinning skin on the hands, face and neck into thicker, firmer and more plump appearance… |
Create fuller lips, prevent stretch marks… |
…tighten sagging areas in the jawline, neck, and eyelids… |
Reverse sun damage like sun spots and blotchiness on the neck, chest and face, |
And so much more.
First, you’ll get “The Beauty Food Bible: Feed Yourself 20 Years Younger”.
The first thing you’ll learn in the manual are the most potent foods for creating incredible skin, where to find
them, and how to prepare them.
The types of foods that maintain elasticity and firmness past the age of 30. Some of them help maintain the natural oils in your skin that stop it from getting too dry…and other foods that dramatically boost collagen levels which leads to younger, smoother and finer skin. |
I’ve also listed other foods that detoxify the fluids under the dermis… (that important layer of skin under the surface) …which help new skin cells receive the nutrition to start growing rapidly and make their way to the surface. |
Next I’ll show you the secrets to deep skin repair by providing your cells with the most powerful antioxidants in nature. Unlike pills, and supplements, actual foods are completely bioavailable — meaning your body and skin cells soak up many times more than any antioxidant supplement out there. |
You will learn how to repair sun damage, and even protect your skin from harmful UV rays — from the inside. Yes, there is even a food that acts like a UV blocker used in sunscreens, but in this case, it’s a food you can eat. But you want to make sure you eat this one cooked to get the most out of it. |
And for a pennies, you can experience a spa-like rejuvenating lift right at home. |
You will also discover two powerful face masks that have been used for thousands of years …but has only recently been discovered to dramatically reduce and heal adult acne. |
You can eliminate the need for over-the-counter medications, creams and ointments that dry out, irritate and cause your skin to flake. Because these masks are so soothing, you can even clear up your acne, without any scaring blemishes. One of my client’s favorite masks is my “Reviving Dull Skin Face Mask”. One of the things we find more as we get older is a duller and more lifeless complexion. This mask helps exfoliate and dissolve dead skin and moisturizes and brightens the underlying skin at the same time. |
Combine this with the dietary adjustments you will be taught and dull skin will be a thing of the past. |
And let’s not forget, your hair! We could be wearing the best outfit, have the best figure and even win the
lottery… but if our hair is messy, frizzy, or just downright ornery, we’ll want to crawl back into bed until it decides to calm down again. Luckily, you don’t have to invest in hair products that cost more than your monthly mortgage. |
No matter whether you want to fight hair loss, stop oily hair, end dry and frizzy hair, clear up dandruff, or eliminate split ends… you will have everything you need. |
Here’s my promise to you – when you follow my advice, and start to fill your plate, and your body, with these age-defying superfoods… you’ll be astounded by the results, you’llstare and wonder at the daily changes staring you in the mirror... and you’ll be astonished by the attention you suddenly get when people you know, see your transformation. |
In fact, why don’t you hear it from them:
" I've Never Looked or Felt Better. "
““My sister gave me the Beauty Food Bible because I spend a lot of money on skin care products and she's always trying to get me to eat better.
“I was skeptical, but willing to give it a try. Well, I'm so glad she insisted that I read it.
It's truly changed my life and the way i think about food and my skin." After reading the book I'm much more careful about what I put in my body because I know it's going to come out on my skin, and let me tell you, I've never looked or felt better. |
“And my skin, which used to break out around that time of the month, doesn't freak out around my period any more. It was really fun and easy to read. Since my job requires a lot of entertaining, and now I know what to order (and drink) when eating out. This is a MUST READ if you care about your skin!! and your health.” -- Gina |
That was Gina. Now here’s Michelle…
" The Beauty Food Bible Is The Solution... "
“When I heard about the Beauty Food Bible book I thought this is perfect. We spend so much money on external products to keep our faces looking young and beautiful.
“This book teaches you what to eat to make your face look beautiful from the inside out.
Not only do you look more beautiful but your body feels healthy. “I was so happy how this book covered the different problems one can have with their skin, and what to eat to improve it.
So for whatever you are trying to improve, the beauty food bible is the solution. It is detailed
and teaches you what you need to know, and what a FUN read.” -- Michelle |
And here’s Susan…
" Friends Comment To Me At The Weekend That My Skin Is Glowing."
“I love this book and since reading it and applying the advice, I am sleeping better and feeling more energized. The eating principles in the book are very simple to follow.
“Since I have done this, my skin looks clearer. I had friends comment to me at the weekend that my skin is glowing.”-- Susan
Just by itself, the “The Beauty Food Bible” manual will change your appearance, your health, and your self-confidence, for the rest of your life.
But because I want to give you an unfair advantage and help you have the kind of radiant glow you’ve always dreamed of…
…I’m also going to include “Skincare Magic: Natural Skincare Recipes That Work Wonders On Your Skin”.
Bonus #1
This is really a treat. When I was researching “The Beauty Food Bible”.
I interviewed dozens of women, and got them to open up about what stopped them from using completely natural solutions to beautiful skin even when they produce the same results.
These interviews revealed that women think it is more expensive or too hard to do.
This is so sad because that is the farthest thing from the truth.
So show you how easy it is for you to clear away dying skin cells, nourish and reveal healthy new perfect skin…
…I compiled recipes of my famous home-made scrubs and masks.
And the best part is that you are in control of what you put on your skin.
There are no artificial “rare” chemicals that companies try to make you feel you need to pay and arm and a leg for.
No, you know exactly what you’re putting in. And they are all superfoods.
No more artificial fragrances, colors, preservatives.
When you grab your copy of “The Beauty Food Bible” today, you’ll get all 48 easy and inexpensive recipes for home-made scrubs and masks inside “Skincare Magic” that you can experiment and enjoy forever.
Masks like the Firming Face Mask, that is pennies to make, and tightens and firms your skin in as little as 15 minutes…
…the Anti-wrinkle mask that speed up the process of your vanishing facial lines.
For those of you who might be suffering from adult acne, or hormonal acne, there is the Acne Clearing Mask in there as well.
And I haven’t even gotten into the scrubs that exfoliate your skin and keep it plump, fresh and bright.
Here’s what Anne had to say about these recipes:
" The Ingredients Are Cheap! "
“The Beauty Food Bible is full of easy recipes using everyday ingredients - how much more accessible can skin care get? I know that personally I worry about using chemicals and harsh products on my skin, so I'm always on the lookout for natural solutions which I can make at home.
This book really delivers and - best of all - the ingredients are cheap!
“I have oily skin, so I loved the banana, strawberry and honey nourishing scrub - it's good enough to eat!”--Anne |
But in addition to that, I’ll give you my collection of juice and smoothie recipes. It’s called, “Sip The Years Off Your Face: Revitalizing Juice and Smoothie Recipes”.
Bonus #2
These 53 of my favorite recipes that supercharge your beauty transformation by letting you drink these beauty superfoods.
Here’s what I mean:
In liquid form — in the form of a juice or a smoothie…
…the rejuvenating nutrients, enzymes, minerals, and living-energy go straight to your skin cells, your hair and nail cells.
You will detoxify energy sapping, age-accelerating toxins out of your body fluids, increase energy, emotional well-being, and mental focus…
…virtually eliminate cravings and hunger and lose excess weight with these easy to prepare juice and smoothie recipes as well. Not to mention, save a ton of money!
And not just because I’m giving you these two bonuses for free when you get the Beauty Food Bible today.
And not just because the ingredients are so abundant, easy to find, and expensive…
…it’s because it takes so little time to make them, preserve them, drink them.
Have you seen the prices of fresh juices and smoothies today? It’s ridiculous how much you have to pay for a small cup!
Okay, So How Do You Get Started?
How much is it to own and start using the “The Beauty Food Bible”…
plus my famous“Skincare Magic: Natural Skincare Recipes That Work Wonders On Your Skin”…
and “Sip The Years Off Your Face: Revitalizing Juice and Smoothie Recipes” ?
This is the only program like this in existence, so there’s nothing to compare it to.
So, let me just ask you a question – How much is it worth to you to utterly transform the way you age for the rest of your life?
To have the fountain of youth, that only a few cultures and countries seem to possess?
To not have to spend all that time, putting your face on in the morning…
…and, then taking it off at night after a hard day’s work?
To wake up, walk to the mirror and see perfect skin staring right back at you?
How much would you pay to have this problem solved forever?
No more morning puffiness, no more sagging skin, no more dull complexion, or dry brittle hair.
Instead, you’ll see a glowing, radiant, tight, and youthful face, starting back at you with a huge grin.
To have your friends, and even strangers ask what you use because it looks so beautiful?
A lot, right?
Well, I got some really good news for you. The regular price of “The Beauty Food Bible” is just $97…
…which every woman who’s actually used the program tells me, is a steal.
Why? Just think about it for a second.
How many hundreds or thousands of dollars have you spent in the past trying to HIDE wrinkles or fine lines?
Or on moisturizers to prevent cracking and premature aging?
How many scrubs, cleansers, exfoliants, creams, masks, toners? How much have you spent for facials?
Or for some, how much cash have you wasted on injections, Botox, fillers, or even a surgery or two?
And have you ever really gotten what you wanted in return? Something that will last forever?
No, they are temporary fixes because they only work on the thinnest layer of your skin and from the outside.
The Fact Is That “The Beauty Food Bible”
Has Been Proven Again And Again To Work,
To Transform The Typical Poorly Nourished, Starved, Suffocated Skin…
…into what your body WANTS to create: fresh, abundant, youthful, tight, firm and glowing skin, hair and nails without even trying.
That should make a tiny, one time investment of $97 seem like a drop in the ocean.
But you know what? I want to make this an easy decision for you.
When I started selling this program on a wide scale, I’m going to hold a special sale…
…where I discount the program by a generous 30% and offer it for just $67.
But because you’re going to get it here early, and if you act right now…
…I’ll let you have “The Beauty Food Bible”…
plus the “Skincare Magic: Natural Skincare Recipes That Work Wonders On Your Skin”…
plus the “Sip The Years Off Your Face: Revitalizing Juice and Smoothie Recipes” for just $29.95.
All you have to do to get started, is click the “Add to cart” button, that has just appeared below…
…you’ll gain instant access to everything and will be creating a younger YOU tonight tonight.
As soon as you click “Add to cart” you’ll be able to download the entire program, go through it all, and start using these simple little tricks and techniques I give you.
And you’ll be able to see for yourself, the incredible results you’ll get with “The Beauty Food Bible”.
And here’s of course my Beauty For Life: No-Questions-Asked Guarantee.
Here’s how it works – order today, and use the material.
If you aren’t blown away and if you don’t get incredible results…
…simply email me within 60 days for a complete refund. No fine print, no tricks.
Look, the way I like to do business — whether you’re a client in my clinic or buy one of my books — is I don’t believe I deserve your money, unless I get you results.
I take a tremendous amount of pride in the Beauty Food Bible. It took a long time to research, experiment, test, compile and put together.
And I know you’re going to get great results with this, which is why I’m willing to give you a guarantee you can count on.
You can feel completely safe today knowing that you’re protected.
And that when you do invest in “The Beauty Food Bible” you will either get great results, or you’ll get your money back, plain and simple.
All you have to do to get started, again, is click the big shiny inviting “Add to cart” button below and you’ll be able to get “The Beauty Food Bible” for the low price of just $29.95.
Plus you’ll get the complete “Skincare Magic: Natural Skincare Recipes That Work Wonders On Your Skin”…
…recipe after recipe of money saving, time saving and skin toning tricks that will keep you growing younger each day.
But you really have to act now. I’m selling this program now for just $29.95, but only as a market test.
I want to help as many women as I can, but I’m planning of raising the price…
…or maybe even doubling it in the near future.
So really, you’ve got a really simple choice to make.
Option #1 is for you to do nothing.
Keep going the way you are now, keep dealing with the frustrations, the worries, the expenses…
…and risk things getting worse, because you don’t take action.
Keep, you know, reading magazine articles written by big marketers trying to sell you the next product they’ve released…
…showing glossy pictures of models with perfect skin you really wished you could get…
…and just get more and more frustrated, because you’d think that couldn’t happen for you.
I can tell you from the stories and testimonials you’ve seen already and more that I want to show you, it CAN happen for you.
Your body loves being young. It loves being strong and attractive. You just need to know the simple ways to open the door and let it do so.
Option #2 is you can take what you learn today and try it on your own.
You can take the basic ideas I revealed about the food we eat and what it does to create ageless skin, and go out and use it.
And you might get some decent results, but wouldn’t you rather have a sure thing?
Wouldn’t you rather have a simple system that literally thousands of women around the world have already used with amazing results…
…and have that in your corner, as you try to make this happen.
But of course, there’s an Option #3 – risk nothing at all today.
Grab the “The Beauty Food Bible” for just 29.95 today.
Devour the material, put it into action and see how long it takes for you to get that incredible smile on your face.
Again, all you have to do to get started is click the big“Add to cart” button that has just appeared below.
You’ll gain instant access to everything. As soon as you clickAddTo Cart, you’ll be able to get an email that gives you the download link.
You can download the entire “The Beauty Food Bible” program, and everything I’ve promised you here today.
You can be going through it in just a few minutes from now and you can be getting incredible results within what? A day or two?
It won’t take you very long to absorb the material, but the results will last forever.
There’s not really a lot of theory here, I’ve focused ease of use and results.
Everything in these downloads is focused on exactly what you need to get the kind of complexion, tone and smoothness people think is rare, or that you can only be born with.
And all you have to do to get what you really want, is click the “Add to cart” button below.
You will get great results like so many women before you.
And of course, to ease any fears you might have you’re backed up by the 100% money-back guarantee.
Now, if you are still here, I think you’ve heard enough from me, so let me just share what women have to say about “The Beauty Food Bible”:
" People Mistaken Me For 26 Because Of My Skin. "
“I was former skin model, had skin like a baby... pink & flawless most of my life without doing much.
This year, I had a lot of stress, bad diet, so I collected 10 pimples and skin felt flakey and dry and itchy underneath no matter what fancy lotion I put on it. Read this book and tried it for 3 days and it works. The education is worth every penny! |
After reading the Beauty Food Bible, I incorporated the exfoliation and almost getting my old skin back in just 3 days! 4 weeks from now I will be flawless again at 38 yrs old. People mistaken me for 26 because of
my skin.”
-- Karen |
That’s Karen. She was skeptical and look what happened to her!
" ...A Few Less Lines!!! "
“I'm amazed that I can already see an improvement in the smoothness, brightness
I swear that if my eyes are seeing correctly, a few less
“My pores are tighter and I believe some blackheads are slowly disappearing.
I am 63 years old and feel like I have taken care of my skin fairly well over
the years but things have definitely improved”.
-- Amiglia
That’s Amiglia.
" Got Rid Of The Wrinkles..."
“My skin got brighter, not nearly as dry as it used to be, I got rid of those
annoying blackheads and acne.
Got rid of the wrinkles that are starting to
appear on my face. ”
-- Oksana
Thank you, that’s Oksana.
" The Blotches And The Redness, The Bumps Were Starting
To Disappear And Diminish. "
So Within the first week, I started to notice a huge difference. I noticed that the blotches and the redness , the bumps were starting to disappear and diminish. And within 3 weeks, almost all of the redness was gone. And I decided to go without makeup to work and I know some of you would not dream of going to work or anywhere else in public without makeup or foundation or coverup on. But I decided to do it. And surprise! no one run away screaming or terrified or anything like that. In fact, you people would actually ask me if I was using a new makeup, they told me |
how great my skin look, that it was glowing. And the thing that I really like to hear is that people think that I'm 35, but actually I'm close to 50 and I use to break out during that time of the month. But with now, my skin hardly ever breaks out and I just could not be happier.
Thanks again!-- Goldie Hardwood |
That’s from Goldie Hardwood, 49-year old, a wife and a mother.
And I could go on, those were just a small sampling of the dozens and dozens of emails I’ve gotten from women…
…talking about how “The Beauty Food Bible” has had a profound effect on them.
Listen, if you’re here, it’s because you want younger, healthier, tighter skin, a smoother, even complexion, and to reverse or slow down the aging process.
There’s nothing wrong with wanting that, if you can simply learn how to give your skin what it needs…
…you will become your body’s best friend and it will repay you for the rest of your life with mesmerizing beauty.
I think in this presentation I’ve shown you enough of how effective this material is.
If you’ve watched this far it shows me that you’re interested and all you have to do is click “Add to cart” button below.
You’ll get everything tonight and you’ll be able to find out for yourself if “The Beauty Food Bible” is everything so many other women are saying it is. I’m confident it is.
Why? Because I’ve seen it work. It has worked for me with my own skin, hair and nails, it’s been wonderful and it’s worked for every single person I’ve shown this to personally.
And the vast majority of folks, who buy “The Beauty Food Bible” and put it to use in their own lives, have fantastic results.
I want you to have those results as well and all you have to is enter your email address and click the “Add to cart” button below…
…download the “The Beauty Food Bible”, start going through it, start using it in your own life and experience those results for yourself.
Again, I’ve been Tracy Patterson. Thank you so much for spending your time with me! I can’t wait to hear about your transformation.
Hi there. It looks like you’re still here. Well, you probably still have some lingering questions.
Here are the questions I most often get:
“Tracy, is The Beauty Food Bible a diet?”
No, it’s not a diet. I know, though, that when we hear things about food, we assume it’s a diet.
It’s a way to understand how to use natural food that is available to us to clear our skin and help us look younger.
And also remember, there are a lot of recipes you're getting for how to create masks and scrubs.
So it’s not just about food you’re going to be eating. It’s just discovering the magical power of food!
“Tracy, how much money can I expect to save?”
Quite a bit! Some women report saving over a thousand dollars a month, while others say they’ve cut out this cream and that beauty enhancer and saved $90 or more every month.
One thing is for sure: at only $29.95, and using mostly inexpensive foods and nutrients/herbs in our formulations, The Beauty Food Bible is by far the least expensive beauty solution in the world.
“Tracy, what if I just don’t see the results everyone else is seeing?”
You would definitely be among the minority. However, no amount of money is worth risking your satisfaction and peace of mind.
That’s why I have included my 60-Day Guarantee to ensure you are totally happy, satisfied, and amazed by the results you’ll see.
If for any reason this is not the case, simply email me using the support emailfor an immediate no-questions-asked refund.
“Tracy, can I still use my favorite cream/soap/shampoo/treatment with your advice?”
You absolutely can! However, you may find you no longer need to. Still, if if makes you feel better, then I encourage it.
“Tracy, how long will it take me to see results?”
Nearly immediately. Some of the tips take only minutes, and render immediate results.
Other formulations require a few minutes a day and 10-14 days to see full results.
Now, let’s get you started right now on the road to the most beautiful YOU ever!